We were honored to be asked for an interview this week with Mission Network News, which went on the air and was broadcast internationally on August 19th, 2015.  Mission Network News is a trusted source for Christian News Internationally.

Please visit this LINK to read the blog that MNN wrote about us, and hear the radio interview too!!

Mission Network News is a Christian source of News information broadcasting across the world!

Mission Network News is a Christian source of News information broadcasting across the world!









Safe Travels!

~Kevin and Tabitha Lovell, and the Adoption Airfare Team!

800-277-7651 x800

Our Personal Adoption Testimony – Charissa Shalom

We are very blessed and excited to announce the finalization of the adoption of our beautiful daughter, Charissa Shalom.  Adoption is so unique and special, and each time a child is adopted, that child has a story.  Our story is not only a story, but a testimony of God’s grace.  So, that is why we chose the name Charissa which means “Grace” and not only was she Adopted on August 18th, 2015, but she was also given a new name.  What a blessing!  So, what brings us to this amazing day?  Let’s go back 14 years ago when she was born, and find out!

At age 20 on May 19th, 2001 I (Tabitha) gave birth to the most precious curly haired mixed baby I had ever laid eyes on.  I was a single mom, and I had been living my life apart from God, in sin, leading me to that place of parenthood before I was married.  I named her Cheria Janay, and since no dad was there to sign the birth certificate, her last name was my maiden name.  She was my joy, my little purse that I carried with me everywhere, from that day on.  When Cheria was almost 2 years old, in 2002, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, and was born again!  It was like the lights went on in my heart for the first time.  Reading the Bible to me was interesting and exciting, and God had totally changed my heart and life.  After becoming a Christian, the desire began to grow, and I wanted a godly husband.  A husband who wouldn’t leave us.  A husband who loved God and would be a daddy to my precious little girl.  As Cheria grew, we would pray together at night, and when she became old enough to know how to pray, she would pray the sweetest prayers, asking God for a daddy.  We never realized the magnitude of how deep the Father’s love for us truly was, until He answered our prayers for a godly husband.  I also would pray that somehow my husband would have a desire to homeschool our children.   God heard her prayers and mine.  I was a single mom with Cheria for eight years before God brought Kevin into our lives, and as soon as He did, our lives changed forever in the sweetest and most amazing ways.

During the eight years of my life as a single mom, after I became a Christian, everything changed.  I would see God do miracles to provide for us like a husband.  It was amazing to see this happen as I surrendered everything to Him, He showed His incredible care for us time and again.  He provided me with a home that I could raise her and live on our own.  I worked hard at the hospital, even working 12 hour night shifts in the ER, and working and going to school, then becoming a nurse to help provide for this precious little blessing that God had given me.  We did not get child support from the dad.  I never went to the courts during those years to apply for any child support when I was a single mother.  God was our provider.

Cheria and Momma in the Single Mom years

He provided in ways that were amazing and incredible.  It was a struggle, just like many single moms go through, but to see God clearly display His grace to us, was beyond my comprehension, and was totally supernatural many times.  I remember praying with the pastors at my church for things, and then just like that, God would provide it.  I had need of a car and went down one Sunday for prayer, and the pastor that I prayed with just happened to see a car on his way to church for $500 dollars, and he told me about it after we prayed.  I went to the location with $350 dollars in my pocket, offered what I had, and it was enough.  God blessed me with a Honda Accord (only problem was a broken window) for $350 dollars!!!  This is just one of the many testimonies like this, where God proved to be a husband to me, a father to the fatherless, for my daughter.

There were men who were interested in having a relationship with me, but I was always so amazed how as I would seek the Lord, God would shut the doors, and in 2008, when Kevin shared that God had me on his heart, I knew this was the open door from God.  I had grown to respect this precious man from our time together on an evangelism team, and I knew beyond any doubt, that this was God’s hand, bringing me this amazing godly man whom I could never deserve, to be the husband and father that we had prayed for.  We were married just 2 months after he shared his heart with me.  There was no need to wait.  He had been such a dear and treasured friend to me for nearly 4 years, and if I respected and cared for any brother in the Lord, it was my beloved Kevin, above any other man I had ever known on this earth.  He kept me pure for marriage and showed me the purest and most humble love that I had ever known.  A love straight from Jesus.  It was on our honeymoon that we conceived our daughter, Faith Hope, who was born exactly 9 months after we were married.  It was this pure and holy love that has been the flame in our marriage ever since that time.  There was no missed beat.  Kevin was Cheria’s father from the day we were married.  She received him and loved him and embraced him as her “Pa” and the daddy that she had prayed for.

August 18th, 2015 finalization of Charissa's Adoption where she was given her new name

August 18th, 2015 finalization of Charissa’s Adoption where she was given her new name

After Kevin and I were married, we had this grand idea that if a father and a mother have a child together, they name that child together, right?  So, what about naming our daughter together?!  We prayed about giving her a bible name, something close to her given birth name, but something that represented her life.  What about “GRACE”?  Or the name “CHARIS” which means “GRACE?”  We tried Charis for about a day, and it just didn’t flow very good.  So, I said, “What about Charissa?!”  We we asked Cheria what she thought about this idea, and she loved it!  It was exciting for her to have a new name.  She was so proud of her name.  Charissa Shalom (Grace, Peace).  The name stuck.  We began calling her by her new name even though it had not been legally changed yet.

Several years went by and we had begun the process of adoption for Kevin to legally adopt Cheria (Charissa).  We felt strongly that we needed to confirm her adoption legally, even though it had already been affirmed in our hearts.  It took a while to find her birth father and get the paperwork all set for the adoption to take place.  Finally after lots of looking and work on behalf of our amazing attorney, we found him, and he willingly signed over parental rights.  He had not been involved in her life for 10 plus years, so it was not a big deal for him to sign these papers to recognize Kevin as her father, the one who has loved her and provided for her for all the years that we have been married.

On August 18th, 2015, Cheria Janay became Charissa Shalom Lovell on paper, our legal daughter, the daughter who prayed with me for a daddy for several years before God brought Kevin, the answer to our prayers, to be her father.  He is such an amazing father.  She loves him so much, and on her adoption day, in the courtroom before judges, court staff, family, and attorneys, she announced her love for her father, and also her love for God and how He brought our family to be together.  She testified to the work of God.  Oh, and how can I forget to share about Charissa’s salvation testimony!?!  Our marriage has also brought Charissa to a place of giving her life to Jesus Christ on December 8th, 2013.  She is born again now, and all of the prayers and seeds that her father and I have sown into her life, are coming to fruition, seeing her as a godly young lady.

Charissa is a wonderful young lady.  She loves to cook, bake, read, sew, and she loves little children.  She loves God’s Word most of all, and lives her life as a Christian.  Charissa is an avid reader and can read large books in a day or two!  She is homeschooled, and is growing a love for math.  She even brought her pre-algebra math book to the adoption day to be reading from it and learning.  She loves to learn.  She also loves History.  She can tell you so much about the history of our country if you ask her.  Her love for learning is inspiring.  We are so blessed at how God has knit our family together.  We give Him all the praise for our beautiful daughter, and for this adoption of Kevin becoming a father to her, not just in our hearts, but legally, officially, and finally.  What God has recognized for all these years, now is legally recognized by man.  Hallelujah!!

Oh, and one of the highlights of our day, was that on the car on the way back from our celebration together, we stopped to pray for Charissa’s birth father, and prayed for him to come to know and understand God’s love in the deepest way, that he would be surrendering his life to God’s will and following Jesus.  It is our desire that Charissa’s birth father would understand Adoption in the deepest way, being adopted by the Father.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.” -Ephesians 1:3-6

Everything for the Adoption was final on August 18th, 2015

Everything for the Adoption was final on August 18th, 2015


Contact: Tabitha Lovell, Co-Owner FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Tel. 800-277-7651 x800
Date: 02/21/2015

Missionary and Humanitarian Airfare and Discounted Fares Globally – Visit NRB Booth #218

BREEDING, KY (FEB. 21, 2015) — With summer missions travel planning right around the corner, Adoption Airfare (, a dedicated Christian Travel Agency is announcing “Humanitarian Airfare” and discounted fares, to help missionaries and adoptive families save on their International Missions and Adoption Travel.

Delta is now allowing 3 bags free per person
One flight change without penalties, just paying fare difference
Refund Ability with great terms for refunds and changes
Deeply discounted One Way fares well under the market fares for many destinations

Delayed Payments for up to 11 months allowing missionaries to raise support.
Flexible changes at no airline penalty, just paying fare difference for flight changes
Refund Ability with great refund terms for refunds and changes
Deeply discounted One Way fares well under the market fares for many destinations

Flexible changes at no airline penalty, just paying fare difference for flight changes
Refund Ability with great refund terms for refunds and changes
Deeply discounted One Way fares well under the market fares for many destinations

Adoption Airfare
Adoption Airfare is a Christian Travel agency, dedicated to serving the Body of Christ with their Missions and Adoption Travel needs. An experienced team of travel agents keeps customers coming back for great customer service and great international airfares for Group Travel, Missions Travel, and Adoption Travel.

For More information about Adoption Airfare and any of our special products or services, please visit us at Booth #218 at NRB! Website: You can also find us on Facebook at:, or call us at 800-277-7651 x800


Adoption, Orphan Care, and Foster Care Retreat Opportunities 2014!!

Hello Everyone!!

This season has some really amazing upcoming retreat opportunities!!  Adoption Airfare will be at a few of the upcoming ones, and please make sure to mark them on your calendar and visit their websites to register!  These retreats are not only for Adoptive moms, but also for Orphan Care Advocates, Foster Parents, those wanting to learn more about orphan care, and anyone with a heart for the orphan.  If you have never taken time to attend this type of retreat, you will be blessed BEYOND MEASURE!!  I just know it!

If you are in the midwest, you won’t want to miss the PASSION FOR ORPHANS RETREAT in BOULDER, CO!!

The next Passion for Orphans ladies retreat retreat will be
October 3-5, 2014 in the Boulder area.

If you had the privilege of joining us in April 2014, then you know what to expect.
If not, then, you’re in for a real treat!
We always have a great line up of speakers and great choices for breakout sessions.

Details to come.
But don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

This retreat is for anyone who is
passionate about embracing orphans …
… adoptive moms …
… foster care moms ..
… moms in process of adopting …
… wanna-be adoptive moms …
… orphan advocates …
and future orphan advocates!

***Training certificates available for foster care.***


Save the date:  Friday, November 14 to Sunday, November 16, 2014

2014 Retreat for Adoptive Moms

Location:  Eden Resort & Suites, Lancaster, PA

I hope you all can join us!!  These retreats are life changing, and will be such a blessing for you to connect with other moms and friends who share the same passion for orphans!!

Please let us know about how these retreats blessed your heart!!

God bless!!



Keeping a Large Group Organized on a Missions Trip

DSC_3019smallWhen helping my customers with their large groups traveling together internationally, I like to recommend a few helpful tips for the journey.  The one thing that I always say is plan for the worst and HOPE for the best when it comes to large groups.  Travel insurance is a very important factor to think about which I recommend to our groups first and foremost.  If you purchase a good policy, your group will be covered for medical emergencies, emergency evacuation, and things like lost baggage!!!  Losing luggage on your international trip is every traveler’s nightmare. No one ever wants to be in this position, but let’s face it, these things can and do happen and it is always best to be prepared in the event that you find yourself in this crisis situation.  Travel insurance will be very helpful to compensate for some of the loss if this should ever occur.

Another important thing I like to recommend is to make sure the group is all wearing the same shirt on the day they will be traveling.  This sounds like a silly thing, but for large groups, this is an easy identifier to make sure that members of the group can easily recognize each other and stay together in the airports.  This will be very helpful, especially if each group member remembers to wear them and the colors are very bright and distinctive.  You may not think about safety issues as much on US soil, but as soon as you step foot in another country and find yourself in an airport all the way across the world, you will find that every safety measure that you take now will be appreciated when you are out of your comfort zone. 

You may also want to make sure each person has their passport in a special passport carrier around their neck so that no one in the group loses their passport.  It is always good to make copies of your passport and carry one in your checked baggage and another in your carry-on just in case you happen to lose your passport somehow on your trip.  Having a copy will be life-saving if you have a forgetful group member who leaves their passport somewhere in Africa and is trying to get on their flight without it.

Also, please remember that if you are a group leader and are a frequent flier, your group members may not be.  Please make sure that you remember to educate your group on what to pack.  If you have any questions about what to carry on with you, please direct members of your group to for all of the necessary requirements for carry-on items and how to pack liquid items in your carry-on bags.  This can be very time-saving if all members of the group have a good understanding of what to expect when going through security, so that we can all KEEP THAT LINE MOVING if you know what I mean!!  And I know that for all of you international travelers out there, youKNOW what I mean.  ;)

I hope that these tips are helpful for all of you group leaders and group members of missions trips this summer!  Please visit my website for more helpful tips and for a free airfare quote for the missionary and humanitarian airfare we provide!

God bless and Safe Travels!
~Tabitha :)

Keeping a Large Group Organized on a Missions Trip

DSC_3019smallWhen helping my customers with their large groups traveling together internationally, I like to recommend a few helpful tips for the journey.  The one thing that I always say is plan for the worst and HOPE for the best when it comes to large groups.  Travel insurance is a very important factor to think about which I recommend to our groups first and foremost.  If you purchase a good policy, your group will be covered for medical emergencies, emergency evacuation, and things like lost baggage!!!  Losing luggage on your international trip is every traveler’s nightmare. No one ever wants to be in this position, but let’s face it, these things can and do happen and it is always best to be prepared in the event that you find yourself in this crisis situation.  Travel insurance will be very helpful to compensate for some of the loss if this should ever occur.

Another important thing I like to recommend is to make sure the group is all wearing the same shirt on the day they will be traveling.  This sounds like a silly thing, but for large groups, this is an easy identifier to make sure that members of the group can easily recognize each other and stay together in the airports.  This will be very helpful, especially if each group member remembers to wear them and the colors are very bright and distinctive.  You may not think about safety issues as much on US soil, but as soon as you step foot in another country and find yourself in an airport all the way across the world, you will find that every safety measure that you take now will be appreciated when you are out of your comfort zone. 

You may also want to make sure each person has their passport in a special passport carrier around their neck so that no one in the group loses their passport.  It is always good to make copies of your passport and carry one in your checked baggage and another in your carry-on just in case you happen to lose your passport somehow on your trip.  Having a copy will be life-saving if you have a forgetful group member who leaves their passport somewhere in Africa and is trying to get on their flight without it.

Also, please remember that if you are a group leader and are a frequent flier, your group members may not be.  Please make sure that you remember to educate your group on what to pack.  If you have any questions about what to carry on with you, please direct members of your group to for all of the necessary requirements for carry-on items and how to pack liquid items in your carry-on bags.  This can be very time-saving if all members of the group have a good understanding of what to expect when going through security, so that we can all KEEP THAT LINE MOVING if you know what I mean!!  And I know that for all of you international travelers out there, youKNOW what I mean.  ;)

I hope that these tips are helpful for all of you group leaders and group members of missions trips this summer!  Please visit my website for more helpful tips and for a free airfare quote for the missionary and humanitarian airfare we provide!

God bless and Safe Travels!
~Tabitha :)

Adoption Airfare, More than a Business

Adoption Travel is more than a business for us here at Adoption Airfare.  It is our passion, our ministry, our JOY to serve each family that God brings to us.  Each of our agents has been hand-picked by God to serve with us, and we have developed a huge heart for Adoption and for the […]

Having a Prayer Agent

by Tabitha Lovell Sometimes when working with teams and individuals in the travel industry, I am reminded that there are other agencies out there which can compete with prices that we offer. However, I am not certain that there is any competition that can compare with having a PRAYER AGENT vs. just having a Travel […]

Saving Money on Adoption Travel

by Tabitha Lovell Did you know that you can have access to special airfare for your International Adoption Travel? If you are not yet familiar with all of the ways that you can save on your Humanitarian and Adoption travel, you really need to read on! Specialized agents have access to discounted fares for adopting […]