Category Archives: Uganda

Adoption Airfare, More than a Business

Adoption Travel is more than a business for us here at Adoption Airfare.  It is our passion, our ministry, our JOY to serve each family that God brings to us.  Each of our agents has been hand-picked by God to serve with us, and we have developed a huge heart for Adoption and for the […]

Having a Prayer Agent

by Tabitha Lovell Sometimes when working with teams and individuals in the travel industry, I am reminded that there are other agencies out there which can compete with prices that we offer. However, I am not certain that there is any competition that can compare with having a PRAYER AGENT vs. just having a Travel […]

Drinking Water Safely on a Missions Trip

by Tabitha Lovell Staying hydrated on your missions trip can be somewhat of a challenge. When I was in Uganda, I had some scary experiences with drinking water that caused me to want to inform others about the dangers of drinking water in third world countries such as Uganda. Water is not accessible in many […]

Stolen Passport?

by Tabitha Lovell One time, we had a customer in Uganda who called us because on their way to the airport, their passport and immunization card were stolen right from their car!! On their way to the airport, they stopped for coffee with their driver, and when getting back into their car, they realized that […]

Foods to Eat on Your Missions Trip

by Tabitha Lovellby Tabitha Lovell

Do you ever wonder what foods are safe to eat in a foreign country? If you are planning a trip to any international destination, you may want to pay close attention to some safety guidelines for eating foods prepared in a foreign kitchen.

The fact is, you will most likely be dining out for the most part of your trip, unless you plan on staying for an extended time in your country of choice. There are some general rules to follow to make sure that your time of travel does not leave you sick in a bathroom, rather than exploring and doing the things that you planned for your trip.

First of all, you will want to avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits grown in foreign soil on your next international trip. Raw fruits and vegetables can cause problems if our bodies are not accustomed to these types of bacteria and microorganisms. It is best to make sure that any vegetables like cabbage, lettuce, spinach, brocolli, bell peppers, and leeks are cooked thoroughly before consumption on your trip. These should be safe as long as they are cooked.

A good way of testing the food you are about to eat is to think about how it is grown. If there is a shell on top of the fruit or vegetable like a banana or avocado, it should be safe. Other types of fruits that should be safe as well are pineapple because of their thick outer coating. Bananas also have their own God-given protective covering which makes eating them safe, even in a foreign country. In Uganda, Africa, there are several types of bananas which you should be safe to enjoy!

On the contrary, fruits like strawberries and raspberries should be avoided because they do not have enough of a barrier between them and the soil to keep bacteria out of the fruit itself. Salads made of raw fruits and vegetables which are grown close to the soil without a natural shell or covering, should be avoided. Pineapple, grapefruit, and lemons should be safe because of their thick outer skin, but other fruits like berries are in a different category and have a thinner skin, so you will want to proceed with caution if you find these on your plate!

As a general rule, meat should be safe for consumption as long as it has been cooked to a high enough temperature to kill any bacteria that could be present. I enjoyed things like goat meat on a stick in Uganda and I was fine and did not become sick. It would be best to avoid some types of raw fish and meats just to be safe, especially when traveling to China and Japan.

Most importantly, the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. I know this may seem like a lot to chew on, but I trust that the Lord will also guide and protect you on your upcoming trip and help you to make wise choices in what you eat and drink. We also must remember that the Lord can provide supernatural protection for us as we abide in His will for our lives.

Safe Travels,

Tabitha Lovell, International Travel Specialist/Owner

Adoption Airfare LLC

Foods to Eat on Your Missions Trip

by Tabitha Lovellby Tabitha Lovell

Do you ever wonder what foods are safe to eat in a foreign country? If you are planning a trip to any international destination, you may want to pay close attention to some safety guidelines for eating foods prepared in a foreign kitchen.

The fact is, you will most likely be dining out for the most part of your trip, unless you plan on staying for an extended time in your country of choice. There are some general rules to follow to make sure that your time of travel does not leave you sick in a bathroom, rather than exploring and doing the things that you planned for your trip.

First of all, you will want to avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits grown in foreign soil on your next international trip. Raw fruits and vegetables can cause problems if our bodies are not accustomed to these types of bacteria and microorganisms. It is best to make sure that any vegetables like cabbage, lettuce, spinach, brocolli, bell peppers, and leeks are cooked thoroughly before consumption on your trip. These should be safe as long as they are cooked.

A good way of testing the food you are about to eat is to think about how it is grown. If there is a shell on top of the fruit or vegetable like a banana or avocado, it should be safe. Other types of fruits that should be safe as well are pineapple because of their thick outer coating. Bananas also have their own God-given protective covering which makes eating them safe, even in a foreign country. In Uganda, Africa, there are several types of bananas which you should be safe to enjoy!

On the contrary, fruits like strawberries and raspberries should be avoided because they do not have enough of a barrier between them and the soil to keep bacteria out of the fruit itself. Salads made of raw fruits and vegetables which are grown close to the soil without a natural shell or covering, should be avoided. Pineapple, grapefruit, and lemons should be safe because of their thick outer skin, but other fruits like berries are in a different category and have a thinner skin, so you will want to proceed with caution if you find these on your plate!

As a general rule, meat should be safe for consumption as long as it has been cooked to a high enough temperature to kill any bacteria that could be present. I enjoyed things like goat meat on a stick in Uganda and I was fine and did not become sick. It would be best to avoid some types of raw fish and meats just to be safe, especially when traveling to China and Japan.

Most importantly, the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. I know this may seem like a lot to chew on, but I trust that the Lord will also guide and protect you on your upcoming trip and help you to make wise choices in what you eat and drink. We also must remember that the Lord can provide supernatural protection for us as we abide in His will for our lives.

Safe Travels,

Tabitha Lovell, International Travel Specialist/Owner

Adoption Airfare LLC

What to Wear on Your Missions Trip

by Tabitha Lovell

by Tabitha Lovell

While I was in Uganda, I observed some cultural idiosyncrasies that I made a note of and thought that it would be helpful for me to pass them along to others.

I have thought about and put together some Do’s and Don’ts of what to wear and what not to wear for your next mission trip. One thing to be cautious of is wearing scented perfumes including scented shampoos and lotions can attract mosquitoes and other bugs which can cause malaria. You will not want to wear any heavily scented items just to be safe.

There are many cultural differences in foreign countries which we are not always aware of here in America. I was riding on a “Boda Boda,” (which is more commonly known as a motorcycle) in Uganda, Africa where I was told that I need to make sure I wear a small purse because if my purse is too large, someone may think that I am very wealthy and will try to steal my purse!

I was also told that women need to wear long skirts and not pants. This was partly based upon our individual missions base, however, this was a more widely accepted way of dress for women. Someone mentioned to me that it is not considered “lady-like” for a woman to be riding a bicycle! This seemed a little strange to me due to our cultural differences here in the United States. From what I understand, this is a bit degrading for women in Ugandan culture to be riding a bicycle.

Also you will want to make sure that you pack the lightest weight clothing as possible, based upon the weather in your destination of choice. This will help you to avoid baggage fees for your baggage being too heavy to check in at the airport. Universally, a fifty pound baggage limit is standard, so packing too much can cost you extra cash.

As a woman, I am finding that dressing modestly is very important. Many people have differences in opinion regarding this topic. However, to keep it simple, modest dress will cause less problems than dressing in a more revealing way.

I was surprised that the people in Uganda were dressed very nice. The word that I learned was a very British sounding word that is used to imply that a person looks very classy. If a Ugandan says, “You are very smart today!” (Smart pronounced “Smaat”)
This means, you look very classy and well put together! I loved hearing this from them!
It still makes me smile thinking about it.

If you are visiting an African country for your missions trip, you can expect that people will not be dressed shabby no matter how much or how little money they have for that matter. For church, you will want to dress up with nicely ironed clothes, looking neat and clean. This will help you to feel comfortable and feel like you fit with the way others are dressed, especially in Uganda.

So, what do you do with all of your gold and silver necklaces? What about your wedding ring for that matter? Well, you leave all the valuable jewels at home! Flashy jewelry and flashy hairstyles will need to be deescalated. You will want to downsize some of the “Bling” so to speak. Careful attention must be taken to avoid any unnecessary or problematic attention being drawn to yourself.

In fact, the attention should be focused upon the Lord and not on us, so we will want to deflect some of the attention away from us if possible. I suggest purchasing wooden jewelry to replace your gold and silver or precious jewelry. Many jewels and beads can be purchased while in the foreign country you are visiting. This can be an economic stimulus to the economy of the country you are visiting as well! This is just another reason to leave the expensive jewelry at home.

Ok, now for shoes!!! You will want to make sure your shoes are appropriate for the nature of your trip. If you are going to a very hot place, you may want to pack some sandals or buy them there in that country. Also, tennis shoes are very valuable in the airports for comfort when walking long distances.

I hope this information was helpful to you in planning your next missions trip! Please feel free to visit our website where you can find out about the benefits of missionary airfare for your next missions trip.

Safe Travels,

Tabitha Lovell, International Travel Specialist/Owner

Adoption Airfare LLC

What to Wear on Your Missions Trip

by Tabitha Lovell

by Tabitha Lovell

While I was in Uganda, I observed some cultural idiosyncrasies that I made a note of and thought that it would be helpful for me to pass them along to others.

I have thought about and put together some Do’s and Don’ts of what to wear and what not to wear for your next mission trip. One thing to be cautious of is wearing scented perfumes including scented shampoos and lotions can attract mosquitoes and other bugs which can cause malaria. You will not want to wear any heavily scented items just to be safe.

There are many cultural differences in foreign countries which we are not always aware of here in America. I was riding on a “Boda Boda,” (which is more commonly known as a motorcycle) in Uganda, Africa where I was told that I need to make sure I wear a small purse because if my purse is too large, someone may think that I am very wealthy and will try to steal my purse!

I was also told that women need to wear long skirts and not pants. This was partly based upon our individual missions base, however, this was a more widely accepted way of dress for women. Someone mentioned to me that it is not considered “lady-like” for a woman to be riding a bicycle! This seemed a little strange to me due to our cultural differences here in the United States. From what I understand, this is a bit degrading for women in Ugandan culture to be riding a bicycle.

Also you will want to make sure that you pack the lightest weight clothing as possible, based upon the weather in your destination of choice. This will help you to avoid baggage fees for your baggage being too heavy to check in at the airport. Universally, a fifty pound baggage limit is standard, so packing too much can cost you extra cash.

As a woman, I am finding that dressing modestly is very important. Many people have differences in opinion regarding this topic. However, to keep it simple, modest dress will cause less problems than dressing in a more revealing way.

I was surprised that the people in Uganda were dressed very nice. The word that I learned was a very British sounding word that is used to imply that a person looks very classy. If a Ugandan says, “You are very smart today!” (Smart pronounced “Smaat”)
This means, you look very classy and well put together! I loved hearing this from them!
It still makes me smile thinking about it.

If you are visiting an African country for your missions trip, you can expect that people will not be dressed shabby no matter how much or how little money they have for that matter. For church, you will want to dress up with nicely ironed clothes, looking neat and clean. This will help you to feel comfortable and feel like you fit with the way others are dressed, especially in Uganda.

So, what do you do with all of your gold and silver necklaces? What about your wedding ring for that matter? Well, you leave all the valuable jewels at home! Flashy jewelry and flashy hairstyles will need to be deescalated. You will want to downsize some of the “Bling” so to speak. Careful attention must be taken to avoid any unnecessary or problematic attention being drawn to yourself.

In fact, the attention should be focused upon the Lord and not on us, so we will want to deflect some of the attention away from us if possible. I suggest purchasing wooden jewelry to replace your gold and silver or precious jewelry. Many jewels and beads can be purchased while in the foreign country you are visiting. This can be an economic stimulus to the economy of the country you are visiting as well! This is just another reason to leave the expensive jewelry at home.

Ok, now for shoes!!! You will want to make sure your shoes are appropriate for the nature of your trip. If you are going to a very hot place, you may want to pack some sandals or buy them there in that country. Also, tennis shoes are very valuable in the airports for comfort when walking long distances.

I hope this information was helpful to you in planning your next missions trip! Please feel free to visit our website where you can find out about the benefits of missionary airfare for your next missions trip.

Safe Travels,

Tabitha Lovell, International Travel Specialist/Owner

Adoption Airfare LLC